
About this site





About us . . .

Thanks to our imaginations, we have access to the wonders of many worlds. Some so like our own, yet different as well. Some only slightly different, while others, starkly so. We may observe these worlds to share in their triumphs, to ponder their problems, to consider their possibilities, and sometimes just for the sheer thrill and wonder of it all. Of course, our world has its share of problems and triumphs too. But sometimes it's nice to look in where we have nothing at stake ourselves, where good usually triumphs over evil - though rarely easily - and in our world devoid of magic or much that can be considered truly fantastic, we can experience something amazing.

Books, games, and movies give us windows to a few of these worlds . . .

Worlds of action and adventure, not so removed from our own.

Worlds where science has changed reality almost beyond our recognition.

Worlds constructed of myth and magic.

Worlds where the shadows, sometimes merely within our minds, hold sway.

And worlds where men and women can possess extraordinary powers.


As lifetime fans of action-adventures, sword & sorcery, sci-fi, horror and comics, we built this site to talk about the genres we love and to offer items you might like to bring some elements from those worlds to our own.


Who is responsible for all this?!?!

Webmaster, Site Designer, Content Editor, Writer - John Carty

Writers, Content Consultants - Kathryn Carty, Michael Trainor, JW Swift
